October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
I am sure you have seen the many pink ribbons and items around that represent National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We all seem to be pretty aware that breast cancer exists. Perhaps you know someone who has been diagnosed- maybe a sister, mother, friend, aunt, etc. It is estimated about 1 in 7 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and men also get breast cancer. We are aware!
Research is continuously being done on cancer, especially on treatments such as medications and the effectiveness of such treatments. Those do come at a cost, both financially and mentally and physically. Hearing the ‘C’ word can send even the most healthy, well-adjusted person into a tailspin of emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Fear and the many questions such as “Now what?” and “Am I going to die?” pass through most people’s heads. So how did we get here?
The idea that prevention is certainly far more superior to curing and treating is not a new concept. After all, the best way to beat ANY cancer is simply not to get it. We know that we have genetics, the environment, and our lifestyles that all contribute to our health. Some factors we cannot control or change, but the idea that we truly can take charge and control much more than we think is a great starting point. This is where prevention comes in.
Ask yourself some of the tough questions. What can I be doing differently in my life to be healthier? Can I change the foods that I eat to build a stronger immune system? Could I squeeze in a bit more exercise like walking or weights to build up my body? Am I getting enough rest and sleep? Could I cut down on technology and electrical device time? How is my stress level – are there some life changes that I could make that would significantly increase my happiness? Am I using the multitude of screening tools available to me to assess my health – blood tests, mammograms or thermograms, annual physicals, epigenetic testing, etc.?
Aim for building up a strong body and push away factors that can feed cancer or other illness and diseases. Awareness really belongs in our health. Be fully aware of your body and take charge of your health. Our bodies know how to heal when given the right terrain and tools. If you put bad gasoline in your car, it will not run smoothly. Our bodies are amazing machines and deserve all of the love and attention we can give them.
This October as many celebrate National Breast Cancer Awareness month, the challenge is also to think about breast cancer prevention all year long. Go beyond the pink ribbons. Know your body and take charge! October 18 is also National Mammography Day so be sure to get checked, it very well could save your life!
Courtesy of Dr. Barb Hughson. Dr. Barb is a leadership coach, trainer, and consultant helping people and businesses find their greatness. She is also president and director of education with The Becky Baker Foundation that gifts mammograms and thermograms to those in need. www.BeckyBakerFoundation.org and email to Barb@DrBarbHughson.com.