Colorado Springs is positioned to attract new and expand existing companies & talent
The mission of the Foundation for Colorado Springs Future (FCSF) is to increase economic vitality in the region through economic development, addressing strategic challenges such as housing and leadership development and incentivizing high-impact, catalytic projects that bring jobs, capital investment, and prosperity to our region.
The FCSF becomes the charitable partner organization to complement the economic development efforts of the Colorado Springs Chamber & Economic Development Corporation and other government and non-profit partners, and will focus on initiatives in the following practice and impact areas:
- The proactive business attraction for new primary employers
- Business retention and expansion services for existing primary employers
- Performance-based cash incentive program to aid in the recruitment and retention of targeted primary industries
- Talent attraction, retention, and development to support the needs of new and existing primary employers
- Marketing and branding to support business attraction and expansion and talent attraction and retention
- Business intelligence to support business attraction and expansion and talent attraction and retention
- Real estate solutions for targeted primary industries
The FCSF works in conjunction with the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Corporation to attract, retain, and expand companies to and in the region. We need high-quality, shovel-ready sites for commercial and industrial development. However, land banking is not our expertise. Through a partnership with the Pikes Peak Real Estate Foundation, a division of the Pikes Peak Community Foundation, the FCSF is equipped to accept real estate donations to anchor impactful development projects or fund economic development activity through liquidation that can be used to increase reach or programs.
The Foundation for Colorado Springs’ Future, Inc. (FCSF) is a 501(c)3 donor-driven fund serving as a charitable foundation to grow and diversify the economy of the greater Colorado Springs, Colorado area and in connection to create and enhance incentives for business to expand, locate and provide job opportunities within the geographic boundaries of El Paso County. FCSF exists to lessen the burdens of government by aiding and assisting the City of Colorado Springs, El Paso County, and the State of Colorado in their efforts to enhance and grow the employee base within the Colorado Springs Metropolitan Area through the recruitment and retention of employers and talent committed to the Colorado Springs community.
How to donate
The Foundation for Colorado Springs Future is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law and donations are eligible for a Colorado Enterprise Zone Contribution Tax Credit of a maximum of 25% of the donation. The FCSF serves as a charitable foundation for the purposes of growing and diversifying the economy of the greater Colorado Springs, Colorado area and in connection therewith to create and enhance incentives for business to expand, locate and provide job opportunities within the geographic boundaries of El Paso County.
You can donate land, cash, stock, trust funds, and/or grants.
- Click here to read the Foundation For Colorado Springs’ Future Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM).
- Donate to the Foundation for Colorado Springs Future.