February 14, 2018

Nominations Needed for USAFA Honorary Commander Program

Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA: United States Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel - triangles and sky - the building includes Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and Buddhist areas - modernist architecture by Walter Netschof Skidmore, Owings and Merrill - photo by M.Torres

The United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) is collecting nominations for its Honorary Commander program, an initiative to foster relationships between the local community and USAFA and promote a better understanding of and support for USAFA and Air Force missions. The two-year program is planned to kickoff this year.

Honorary Commanders will be invited to numerous USAFA events, host unit events and activities, and special events scheduled specifically for honorary commanders.  Honorary Commanders should attempt to attend as many of these as possible, and invite the commander they are paired with to their organization’s events when possible.

Who to Nominate:

Nominees* should represent a cross-section of the community — business, educational, non-profit, municipal and professional organizations.

*Nominees cannot be members of Congress, staffers, or paid employee of any political party, major government contractors or anyone who holds financial interests which may give the perception of conflict of interest, federal employees or news reporters. Military retirees will only be considered if they have the ability to reach multiple audiences and are not already well connected with USAFA. 

Closing Date for Nominations:

Friday, February 16
5:00 p.m.

Send Nominations to:

Please send nominee’s name, bio and contact information to Chamber & EDC Program Coordinator Beth Toulon.

Selection of Nominees:

Nominees will be selected, approved and notified in April via email.


Contact USAFA Public Affairs Officer Melissa Porter.