Learn more about our Voice of Business committees

All Voice of Business committees meet monthly as a group. Group meetings consist of speakers or discussions around a theme, as well as updates from the taskforce leaders about ongoing projects.
The specific Taskforces meet at least once a month, and sometimes more depending on the task at hand. Meetings have all been conducted via Zoom and will remain virtual until otherwise indicated.
These committees are open to all members. Contact Emma to join a committee at emitchell@cscedc.com.
Small Business Advisory Council
Dedicated to providing advocacy and support to our small business members as we plan for growth and economic recovery.
By joining this committee, members are able to learn from small businesses and community organizations, as well as make an impact in smaller taskforce groups. Over the last year, we have had great presentations, including the Colorado Enterprise Fund, franchises and why they matter, as well as educational topics around PPP and changing employment laws.
Committee members are required to participate in a taskforce group. Our taskforces have worked on projects such small business support videos, Small Business Roundtable events, and creating surveys to find out the needs of the owners. Taskforce groups for 2021:
- Marketing Taskforce – Marketing/promotion for small businesses
- Programs/Events Taskforce – quarterly Chamber Connects, other relevant events
- Franchise Taskforce – support and education for current or future franchise owners, as well as public education on how franchises are also local businesses
The committment to join the Small Business Advisory Council:
- 1 monthly general meeting (1.5 hrs): 1st Wednesday of the month @ 1 pm
- Taskforce (up to 3 hours): 1 monthly meeting, plus action items.
- Total Commitment: up to 4.5 hours per month**
**Sometimes things come up and we can’t make a meeting. But the expectation is you will make the meetings a priority, and if something comes up, please communicate it to me or your taskforce leader.
- Meetings: 1st Wednesday of the month
Don’t just take our word for it
“There is a saying ‘To be successful, you must surround yourself with successful people.’ If you want to be positive and have a positive outlook, surround yourself with positive people. Those positive influencers are right here within the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce. With that, I also wanted to be a part of the Small Business Advisory Committee. Even though I have always worked for companies I do not personally own, I treat that business (and in this case TBK Bank), as my own business. I want success for my company. I want success for myself and our team. I want success for other business owners and if there is someone I know, that can help another business, I want to help! I am very thankful for the connections I have made through the Chamber & EDC and am very happy to continue supporting the chamber as much as I can.” – April O’Neil, vice president senior relationship manager, TBK Bank
I signed up as a member of the Small Business Advisory Council hoping to improve local small businesses that were being affected by COVID, the shutdowns, and generally needed to connect to the community in which they serve. But I gained a considerable amount more.
The businesses that we were able to work one on one, or, often two on one with learned how to transform their businesses, specifically for their own niche. Many learned “free” strategies that they were able to apply, from payroll and tax issues to a full-blown marketing campaign. Many business owners were able to connect with marketing strategist that assisted with pivot their business models and learned how to use content to engage web visitors and get them on email lists, creating an opportunity to sell their Point of Sales services (which is not a quick buying decision).
The SBAC helped business owners increase both calls and leads coming through the web or other digital forms. Each member of the council helped local businesses with the struggles and networking abilities, that normally would not have been hampered, which I’m sure will further help grow local businesses. I can’t speak highly enough about the Chamber & EDC’s ability to create ways of helping our local businesses and economy to survive this pandemic. – Thasha McVey, corporate sponsorship representative, KCME
Diversity in the Workplace Committee
To build a strong and inclusive business climate by empowering diverse talent, as well as connecting the community with education and events.
By joining this committee, members are able to learn from community members and trainers, as well as make an impact in smaller taskforce groups. Over the last year, we have had amazing speakers, including a DEI consultant, a member of the trans community, and the City of Colorado Springs’ diversity outreach manager.
Committee members are required to participate in a taskforce group. Our taskforces have worked on projects such as strategic planning, the TellMeCOS video campaign, and collaborating/learning from other organizations to see how we can work together. These groups, led by members of the community, are currently working on the following projects:
- Mentorship taskforce: Build a diverse leadership pool by diversifying board leadership and connecting minority businesses with resources
- Events taskforce: Collaborate on diversity, equity, and inclusion business events
- Resources taskforce: Identify and manage diversity, equity, and inclusion business resource
The commitment to join the Diversity in the Workplace Committee is:
- One monthly general meeting (1.5 hrs): 4th Wednesday of the month @ 10 am
- Taskforce participation (up to 4 hours): 1 or 2 monthly meetings, plus action items.
- Total Commitment: up to 5.5 hours per month**
**Sometimes things come up and we can’t make a meeting. But the expectation is you will make the meetings a priority, and if something comes up, please communicate it to me or your taskforce leader.
Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of the month
Ongoing Projects
- Planning a focus group session to find out what diversity resources that businesses are looking for currently.
- Reaching out to Chamber members that have received scholarships to find out how the Chamber & EDC can better serve them.
- Identifying requirements for community Board appointments and creating a directory with this information
- Partnering with other organizations on DE&I events
- Creating relevant events to better promote DE&I in the workplace
Don’t just take our word for it
“I joined this committee not because I had the answers to solving DE&I challenges, but because I know finding the answers is imperative to our community. I joined to support my peers and fellow industry members. I join to be an access point and an includer for those who struggle with a sense of belonging in our community. I look forward to learning a lot along the way.” – Stephanie Adams, director, UCCS Downtown