Creek Week underway to help keep our waterways PRISTINE

Second Annual Pikes Peak Litter Letter Project kicks off October as Arts Month
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.– In celebration of Arts Month, the Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance, Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control and Greenway District, and Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region have joined forces to orchestrate the 2nd annual Pikes Peak Litter Letter Project—resulting in a unique piece of temporary, public art that is constructed with trash collected from our lands and waterways during National Public Lands Day (Sept. 28) and Creek Week, Sept 28-Oct 4.
Giant metal letters constructed by Concrete Couch and filled with trash collected on our local public lands and waterways will spell the word PRISTINE and be on display throughout the month of October in celebration of Arts Month on a berm, just off Cimarron Street, east of I-25, and south of America the Beautiful Park.
The installation of the art piece and a public dedication for the project will be held on location Tuesday, October 1st at 4 p.m., and will feature brief remarks by:
- Jill Gaebler, Councilwoman, City of Colorado Springs
- Becky Leinweber, Executive Director, Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance
- Alli Schuch, Watershed Outreach Coordinator, Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control and Greenway District
- Andy Vick, Executive Director, Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region
The general public is also invited to support the project through a social media contest on Instagram, by using the hashtag #PikesPeakLitterLetters to share how they keep our community PRISTINE.
“We are excited to collaborate on this annual project that brings together the arts and outdoor recreation communities in a way that celebrates Arts Month, supports Creek Week, and benefits the entire Pikes Peak region,” stated project organizer, Becky Leinweber.
Modeled after the national Litter Letter Project, and with permission to use their logo and concept, the local Pikes Peak Litter Letter Project aims to inspire environmental stewardship by creating a piece of temporary, public art that highlights local efforts to keep our public lands and waterways clean.
Following the brief dedication event, everyone is invited to hang out and share a little “happy hour” with the Creek Week volunteers, and the many other partners that made the 2019 Pikes Peak Litter Letter Project possible. The public and local media are invited to attend and participate.
Courtesy of Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance, Fountain Creek Watershed Flood Control and Greenway District, and Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region.