Colorado Unaffiliated Voters Can Vote in Primary for First Time

In Colorado, there are slightly more unaffiliated voters than Democratic or Republican voters. That’s why, in 2016, the Chamber & EDC supported Proposition 108, which allows unaffiliated voters to participate in primary elections, allowing a larger number of Coloradans to select the candidates that will ultimately face off in general elections.
This week, for the first time, unaffiliated voters will receive their primary ballots in the mail. You may only vote in one party’s primary election. If you didn’t previously select a party primary to participate in, you will receive a ballot packet containing two ballots, Republican and Democratic. Be sure to destroy and discard the ballot for the primary you do not choose to participate in. If you return both ballots, neither will be counted. Voting in a primary does not affiliate you with a party or determine your primary selection for future elections.
For more information, visit or contact the El Paso County Clerk at at (719) 575-VOTE or
- Ballots must be dropped off by Tuesday, June 26 at 7 p.m.
- Search for your nearest drop-off location
- El Paso County Elections Department website