Colorado Springs Business Delegation Meets with Lawmakers During D.C. Fly-In

From Sept. 15-18, the Colorado Springs Chamber & Economic Development Corporation hosted our annual D.C. Fly-In, presented by InBank, bringing nearly one hundred community leaders from around the Pikes Peak Region to our nation’s capital.
Participants enjoyed hearing from subject matter experts on aerospace and defense, cybersecurity, legal reform, natural resources and more.
During a Day on the Hill, members of the Colorado Springs business community had the opportunity to meet with our state’s Congressional delegation, including:
- Senator Michael Bennet
- Senator John Hickenlooper
- Representative Yadira Caraveo (8th District)
- Representative Jason Crow (6th District)
- Representative Doug Lamborn (5th District)
- Representative Joe Neguse (2nd District)
- Representative Brittany Pettersen (7th District)
Participants also took the opportunity to advocate on issues that directly affect the Pikes Peak region, from veterans’ issues to transportation to the importance of Space Command to our national security.
“The discussions we had with policymakers, think tanks and national trade organizations were impactful, and our collective voice was stronger because of our collective involvement as members of the Colorado Springs community,” said Shawn Gullixson, SVP, Community Bank President of InBank who served as Presenting Sponsor for the D.C. Fly-In. “It’s clear that, together, we can shape policies that support the growth and prosperity of our community. By fostering spaces for collaboration between businesses, individuals, and civic leaders, we can help identify local needs, share innovative ideas, and encourage partnerships that benefit everyone.”
As always, our attendees made good use of their opportunity to network with other leaders from across the region in small group dinners and evening receptions in D.C.’s most iconic settings.
“The Colorado Springs Chamber and EDC’s D.C. Fly-In provided our small business with opportunities to advocate for affordable healthcare access and network with our peers from El Paso County,” said Travis Bockenstead, Chief Experience Officer at Pinnacle Advanced Primary Care, who attended the Fly-In for the first time with two members of the Pinnacle staff. “The event was extremely well organized with small group dinners, outstanding guest speakers, and a Day on the Hill where we engaged with House members and Senators. I highly recommend taking part in this event.”
During the closing reception, Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC President and CEO Johnna Reeder Kleymeyer presented Rep. Doug Lamborn with an award to honor his 30+ years of service to the state of Colorado.
“The Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC was honored to present Rep. Doug Lamborn with the Lifetime Achievement Award during our annual D.C. Fly-In event, for his service to the people of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region,” Reeder Kleymeyer said. “His bipartisan work with Colorado Senate partners, El Paso County and City of Colorado Springs leaders as well as on the House Armed Services Committee, has had an inestimable positive impact on national security, military readiness, local military missions, and the people who work tirelessly to preserve our freedom.”
Special thanks to Presenting Sponsor InBank, and the many attendees for making this year’s trip a success.