October 30, 2017
Vote Yes on 2A and others to support a thriving community

As the voice of business in the Pikes Peak region, the Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC works to ensure that policies and legislation work in your best interest by supporting initiatives that promote business growth and opportunities. As the November 7, 2017 election deadline approaches, we are sharing our positions on the following ballot questions.
Ballots must be received by Nov. 7, 2017 at 7 p.m. Mail your ballot by Monday, Oct. 30 to ensure your vote is counted, or click here for a list of drop-off locations.
SUPPORT: El Paso County TABOR retention and cap reset
- El Paso County is asking voters to retain $14.8 million in excess revenue collected, as well as to reset the TABOR cap to the 2017 actual collection amount. A reset is needed to reflect economic conditions, address population growth, and fund infrastructure maintenance and repair projects that were postponed during the recession. Funds would go to the widening of I-25 from Monument to Castle Rock, high impact county road and bridge projects, flood recovery and mitigation projects, and parks and trails improvements.
SUPPORT: Stormwater funding
- Through a campaign managed by the Chamber & EDC, the City is asking voters to approve a monthly charge ($5 for residential; $30 per acre for non-residential) on utility bills that would be dedicated only to stormwater drainage and flood prevention infrastructure, with a list of 71 specific projects. Stormwater drainage and flood prevention is an important part of the city’s infrastructure and its lack of funding has had many negative impacts – roads and bridges are eroding, waterways have suffered, the city budget cannot properly fund other priorities, and the city is fighting a costly lawsuit from the EPA. Colorado Springs is the only major city in the country that does not fund stormwater drainage and flood prevention with dedicated funds.
SUPPORT: School District 11 mill levy override
- District 11 is proposing a mill levy override that would generate $42 million for technology, building maintenance, teacher raises, class-size reductions, and other school improvements. Proponents say state funding formulas have not kept up with needs, and additional funding is necessary to provide quality education to school children, address significant maintenance needs of the aging buildings in the D11 system, and keep the district competitive with other Colorado Springs districts that have better funding.
SUPPORT: PPRTA funding for I-25 Gap
- The Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority is proposing amending the voter-approved capital project list to include the I-25 Gap, allowing the authority to spend $10 million of excess revenue on the project. Because the funds come from excess revenue, the I-25 Gap can be funded without affecting funding for other projects on the existing list. The I-25 Gap is the region’s top priority transportation project and one the Chamber & EDC has been working to fund and construct for two years. A local contribution will be necessary to match state and federal funds.