Fort Carson combat team to remain in Colorado Springs, increasing number of troops

Fort Carson will see an increase of approximately 200 soldiers following an announcement that the installation’s 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team will convert to a Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) and remain at Fort Carson.
“For decades, Fort Carson and its service men and women have supported our country and our community. This brigade conversion is important to our regional economy and we are pleased with the Army’s decision to keep the brigade at Fort Carson,” said Rich Burchfield, Chamber & EDC chief defense development officer.
The decision to convert the brigade at Fort Carson was based on strategic and operational considerations including its long-term readiness, presence of SBCT enablers, existing infrastructure and sustainment facilities, according to Fort Carson officials.
“We’re very proud to see our business community champion Fort Carson and our Army service men and women. Thanks to their endorsements, as well as bipartisan support from state legislators and from regional elected leaders from Colorado Springs, Fountain, and Trinidad, we will continue our community’s legacy of service to our military and our country,” Rich said.
Earlier this year the Army completed an assessment for conversion. As part of this process, five locations were identified for the new team’s stationing, with one being Fort Carson and the other four out of state.