2024 Voting Guide - Business on the Ballot

2024 Election Results Update

Each of the following initiatives endorsed by the Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC passed during the election on Nov. 5:
  • Amendment G – Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption
  • Initiative 130 – $350 Million for Law Enforcement
  • City of Colorado Springs Issue 2C
  • Academy School District Issue 4B
Thank you to everyone who supported these important measures for our community’s growth and future!

2024 Voting Guide

With the 2024 election less than a month away, and ballots hitting mailboxes this week, the Pikes Peak Region must once again weigh a number of issues affecting the state, regional, and city levels of government.

The Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC has endorsed the following ballot initiatives and strongly encourages our membership and the business community to vote in favor of the initiatives listed below.

All issues are reviewed by the Chamber & EDC’s Government Affairs Council (GAC) which makes position recommendations that are reviewed by the Board of Directors. The Voting Guide offers a summary of the key factors that led the GAC and Board to take their recommended positions.

State Ballot

Amendment G – Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption

Expands property tax exemptions to include veterans who cannot work. This expansion is expected to cover an additional 3,400 veterans.

Chamber & EDC Position: Support

The affordability of housing is a key component of the Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC’s Legislative Agenda, this amendment will not only provide financial relief for our disabled veterans, but it also helps in sustaining our community’s economic development by showing the Department of Defense and the military community that Colorado is invested in our service members.

Initiative 130 – $350 Million for Law Enforcement

Sets aside $350 million from the state budget for law enforcement funding. Monies will be used to provide death benefits for officers and hiring/training grants for departments. Dollars will be drawn from the existing state budget general fund.

Chamber & EDC Position: Support

The Colorado Springs Chamber & EDC believes that an adequately funded and trained police force is paramount in ensuring our community remains a clean, safe, and friendly place to conduct business. This initiative also can make law enforcement jobs in Colorado more competitive and aid in the retention of officers.

Local Ballot

City of Colorado Springs Ballot Issue 2C

Asks for the extension of a .57% tax (5.7 pennies on a $10 purchase) for 10 years to fund critical road repairs.

Chamber & EDC Position: Support

The 2C program has allowed the City to repave more than 1,665 lane miles, install more than 9,300 new and retrofitted pedestrian ramps, and replace almost 306 miles of curb and gutter and 3.6 million square feet of sidewalk.

The Chamber & EDC supports 2C because the tax maintains and improves critical road infrastructure throughout the city, allowing employees to safely travel to and from work and providing employers with assurance that the city and the community are as invested in the city’s growth as they are in their businesses.

Academy School District No. 20 Ballot Issue 4B

Asks voters if the school district may increase its debt by $83.14 million to provide a 20% match to receive a $191 million federal grant to rebuild Air Academy High School, which will include a Center of Excellence for all D20 Students. Issue 4B will also allow for district-wide updates to non-charter facilities to ensure the health, safety, and security of students. Dollars will also be used to to fund capital improvement projects for The Classical Academy and New Summit Charter School.

Chamber & EDC Position: Support

The Chamber & EDC is in support of Issue 4B because it provides students with higher quality facilities for them to learn in, which is vital in ensuring our region produces a skilled workforce.

Voter Information

Voter registration application with flag of United States of America

Colorado has a voting system in which all active, registered voters receive a ballot in the mail. Voters also have the option to vote in person at a Voter Service and Polling Center (VSPC).

In order to receive your ballot in the mail, you must register to vote, or update your address/registration, if necessary, within 8 days of the Election. For the 2024 General Election, that deadline is Oct. 28.

That deadline allows time for processing and mailing your ballot. You can register to vote or update your registration prior to that deadline online at www.govotecolorado.gov.

After the deadline, you can still register to vote, and you also can update your registration and receive your ballot. Both may be done at an El Paso County Voter Service & Polling Centers through Election Day.

Voter Service and Polling Centers (VSPCs) are one-stop vote locations where you can register to vote, update your registration, vote in person and drop off your voted mail ballot all in one place. For each election, we will have several conveniently located VSPCs throughout El Paso County.

You may go to any VSPC to transact business, drop your ballot or vote.

If voting in person at a Voter Service & Polling Center, you will be asked to provide identification.

If you prefer to vote on a ballot marking device, the ICX machine is available.

Locations of Voter Service and Polling Centers can be found here.